Paris became closer than ever since the day I signed on the dotted line for my greatest sporting challenge. The final payment was requested and duly paid, no turning back from here, pulling out is not an option so the training needs to be stepped up and motivation lifted. This has been tempered by the subject that I, amongst many other people, have become board of talking about, the great British Winter. It has been said before that we now only have two seasons, but I didn't think they meant Winter and Autumn. Another week of below zero temperatures and back to snow this weekend have left me with only one opportunity to get out on the bike, on Tuesday I did a twenty mile ride with a bitter Easterly wind making it pretty unpleasant.

There was only one incident of note on my ride, one which left me with my heart in my mouth and a renewed respect for the vulnerability of being on a bike. A motorist had decided it was alright to reverse down the road just after a blind bend, not clever. It was on quite a quick stretch of road on a bike and with a greasy road surface I was heading for potential disaster, as I rounded the bend I saw the reversing lights and in a moments panic hit the brakes hard. Having not cleared the bend yet the back wheel slid out and for the first time back on the bike I was not in control. By more luck than judgement I regained control and without stopping steered around the car that by this time had stopped reversing and with a sheepish look on his face the driver gave an apologetic wave. I carried on at a slightly reduced pace for the next couple of miles while regaining my composure.
I have also been busy on social media this week and set up my own Facebook page, hope you will all like it and follow my fund raising activity, the page is Londonparistrevor. My final piece of news really lifted my motivation and made me feel very proud, it is early stages and I hope it comes to fruition. You see I have been contacted by Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research, they have made enquires with the view to including by blog on their official Web page, watch this space as for me this would be the ultimate recognition of my efforts to be recognised by the charity I am supporting. "Roll on Paris"
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