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Monday, 31 December 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all that have followed my Blog in 2012. At the start of the year I had been inactive on the sporting front for around two years, my football career had come to an abrupt end at age forty and I felt the onset of mid life and the little Buddha belly that goes with it. If anyone had said you were going to take up cycling and finish the year with the goal of London to Paris in 2013 then I would have called them crazy, but lets look how 2012 turned out.
March - took to the bike for the first time since seventeen years of age.
June - Cycled 62 miles in the Wickes big ten cycle challenge.
September - Cycled 58 mile in London Bikeathon.
October - Purchased new road bike as I got a bit more serious.
November - Signed up to London Paris 2013.
Cycled a total of 1,400 miles since March.
Raised in excess of £500 through my cycling for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research.

So what now for 2013, Well the big one is in June, 460 kilometres in four days from London to Paris. I have committed to raise £1,000 for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research and will be asking all and sundry to help me on my quest. Blood cancer is still a major killer of children and adults alike and every penny raised helps us find a cure. My blog has a link to my just giving page and I would ask all that take time to read my blog to find it in their heart to give what they can afford. I in return will train hard and share my experiences with you to hopefully entertain along the way. This is for me my greatest sporting challenge and I still sit and contemplate what I have let myself in for. So please be generous and I hope you all have a happy and prosperous New Year.

Roll on Paris.

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