Been raining a bit around here recently if you hadn't noticed, so when I got up this morning and was looking to complete a training ride it was no surprise to see there was still wet stuff falling from the sky. After my drive home from work yesterday and seeing the amount of surface water the decision was easy, if your going out today you fool, take the mountain bike and think about the snorkel and flippers!!! After sorting the bike and hearing the local news report about the chaos that was happening on the roads with accidents, floods and bridges being hit by lorries, I set off with some intrepidation. It didn't take long before It became apparent that

I was not going to be disappointed. Traffic was everywhere but not going anywhere very quickly, I was not going to be holding up many cars this morning. As it turned out it was the complete opposite I dodged traffic everywhere I went and couldn't wait to get out into the country and actual get some speed up. Stopping in my normal spot in Rochford I took a very contrasting picture of the small stream that runs through the park. I had taken a shot of the same spot only last week and could not believe the difference. The country ride was great with open roads and blissful peace, how short it was though. On any normal day the ride back to Rayleigh via Hulbridge is one that I enjoy and share with a few straggling commuters and farm vehicles, not today, because today the whole world had used it as a detour and four miles of stationary traffic in both directions greeted me this morning. So with grit, determination and some skill I took to the middle of the road a picked my way carefully between the cars and vans. It was challenging and my expectation of irate drivers late for work and the normal hatred for cyclists was smashed completely. As I passed open windows there were jovial comments of envy " Can I borrow your bike mate" and "I guess you'll be the only one getting somewhere today" echoed on more than one occasion. With the rain still falling and the traffic solid all the way home, in some twisted way I found myself really enjoying the ride and pulling into my drive with another twenty miles under my belt a feeling of great satisfaction came over me. Roll on Paris.
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